
The mission of the Office of Legal Affairs is to educate the East Georgia State College community as to the laws and regulations applicable to the college's operations. Legal Affairs also works to manage legal issues and facilitate transactions, to provide advice and counsel, to foster sound decision-making and creative problem-solving, and to provide legal representation, all of which to facilitate the college's pursuit of its mission.

It is the goal of the Office of Legal Affairs to provide counsel to minimize legal risks and costs, reduce litigation exposure, and ensure legal compliance, and to do so efficiently, expeditiously, reliably, and professionally.

In serving the college's interests, Legal Affairs pursues excellence in the quality of services provided to its clients and maintains the highest standards of professional ethics and integrity. Such services include, but are not limited to:

    • Advise, assist, and train administrators, faculty, and staff with respect to legal issues that arise during the course of their employment duties with East Georgia State College
    • Develop and assist with the development of policies that align with the college's mission while preserving the legal, ethical, and financial integrity of the college
    • Facilitate the review and approval of college policies by college governance bodies
    • Facilitate the publication of approved college policies on the college’s Policies and Procedures webpage and manage the Policies and Procedures webpage
    • Assist departments with negotiation and administration of third-party contracts
    • Assist in the risk management analysis for college operations and events 
    • Advise the college on compliance matters
    • Manage the college's Ethics and Compliance Reporting Hotline
    • Serves as the college's Open Records Manager

The office is in Gambrell Building. Please contact the Office of Legal Affairs with any policy or legal questions concerning college business.  

Office of Legal Affairs